If you can’t bring your group to the library, let us bring the library to them!
We understand that field trips are not always an option. That’s why the Special Collections Division has staff members that visit classrooms. We will come with lessons, primary sources, and other materials to lead discussions and group activities. In the past, we have led talks about the Civil Rights Movement, used primary sources to complete research projects, and taught students how to conduct oral histories.
We also have a small collection of items that can be loaned to you for use with exhibits or programs. These items include books, films, photographs, audio recordings, and other archival materials and are available on a first come, first serve basis.
If you are interested in having a librarian in your classroom or checking out materials, please contact the Special Collections Division.
Not a teacher but still want to use the Special Collection? No problem! All of these resources are open to local groups that are interested in learning more about Nashville history.