I hate clutter. I think this is partially because I come from a long line of hoarders and semi-hoarders and it can be overwhelming. My grandparents lived through the Great Depression and are very much fans of “but we might need this someday.” I will admit that there are times when, to a certain extent, I work better in a mess (see: any project with glitter), but one of the things that has come out of this COVID nightmare is more respect for my house. I now make it a point to clean my kitchen every night and I love when things are organized.
To that end, when I see books about how to do this well, I am always interested. I found Marie Kondo, but she didn’t spark joy for me. (Also, I feel like her head would explode if she ever saw my grandparent’s house.) Then I found The Home Edit and I fell in love with their rainbow-hued system.
My recent foray into making my house/life better has to do with having less. Especially in America, we just plain have too much stuff. And while I agree that it’s not hoarding if it’s books (What? I work at the library, cut me some slack), I think we’d all feel better if we weren’t so concerned with all our stuff.