On a sunny January morning, a small group of adults at Madison Branch Library gently raise and lower our arms, bending the knees in harmony. We practice shifting our weight from one leg to the other and matching our breath to our movements. I feel both relaxed and sharply present in my body. We are practicing the Chinese martial art of tai chi.
Our instructor is Ann Hargis, a Madison resident who has been practicing tai chi for 7 years. She follows the classic style of Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan, a technique that has enhanced her physical and mental well-being. Often promoted for older adults to help with balance and to reduce falls, a routine tai chi practice can benefit people of any age.
Join us!
Ann’s upcoming, 6-week series “Introductory Tai Chi” is suitable for beginners who are capable of standing independently, and who would like to learn gentle and relaxing movements. Students will finish the series knowing a basic tai chi sequence that can be practiced at home, even after the class ends. “Sharing what I have learned is rewarding for me and I hope it will be for the class.”
The free series begins on Thursday January 23 and runs 10:15am-11:15am at Madison Branch Library.
Registration is required. Please call the branch 615-862-5868 to reserve your spot.
Learn more about Tai Chi
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