Judging by the sea of Gulliver’s Travels adaptations out there (See Below) it’s easy to forget that this classic tale was not originally written with children in mind. It is Swift's scathing satire on government, religious intolerance, and human ignorance. It is a tale commonly adapted for children by focusing on the first of the voyages to Lilliput (you know, the island of tiny people?), but there are 3 other voyages after that! What about the rest of it?
Brian Hull and the Wishing Chair crew have been tinkering in their Marionette Shop, working hard to lead children through these uncharted waters of giants, floating islands, Yahoo’s, and talking horses. With a unique blend of puppets and live, professional actors, the result is a brand new show that is sure to delight and incite. Part of Music City Irish Fest with an electrifying original soundtrack of celtic-infused music by TV’s Willis Clan.
Because of the satirical content, this show is recommended for kids 8 and up. If you can't make it the morning of St. Patrick's Day (10:30 AM & 11:30 AM), be sure to check out all the showtimes on our events calendar. According to Hull,
“There are topics and powerful statements ... embedded in his tale that we touch upon, making great points of discussion for the older audience at which it is targeted,”