Who doesn’t wax nostalgic remembering autumn days of raking leaves and jumping into them, only to rake again? Or how about taking a walk in the woods surrounded by beautiful swirling leaves? Finally, it's time for cooler weather, bright blue skies, colorful leaves, warm sweaters...I do love autumn, and I want to share that love with everyone around me!
But did you know that there are magical creatures all around you in the woods…just waiting for you to see them? They are not there to scare you. They just want to add to your fall fun! And they are easy to make from leaves and other natural gifts you find in the woods. Why not make your very own leaf man? Then, you can branch out into leaf critters of all kinds! Here are a few examples:
Leaf Boy with striped uniform:
Leaf Girl with hair bow and petticoat:
Wise Old Owl:
Leaf Frog:
Be sure to check out these books to create your own creatures and new autumn memories with the ones you love!