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Find early literacy tips and children's books on the Children's Blog. Discover your next great read on the Books Movies Music Blog. Dig into Nashville history with the Community History Blog. Listen to stories, history, and culture on NPL Podcasts. Please see this Note for Readers.

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A king vowed to have someone stand sentry over his daughter’s body every might for a year – but the sentries are always gone in the morning. Is there anyone who will last the whole night?

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Let's give the new year a new look. Instead of creating a list of "need-to-do's," we have a litany of things we plan to "keep-on-doing." Truth is it's almost 2023 and we like what we see! Sometimes growth is more about continuation and less about transformation. What goodness can you salute from 2022 that you'll keep up and keep going?

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Tonight we draw our attention to one of the stories of Algernon Blackwood, a former Commander of the British Empire, who was one of the most prolific writers of ghost stories in the history of the genre.

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Almost anyone could tell you the story of Rip Van Winkle in a sentence or three. Today we get to enjoy the tale in its entirety as presented by one of our favorite authors, Washington Irving.

Sidney O'Berry Collection - State Capitol covered in snow in 1976
If you're dreaming of a white Christmas this year, you might get your wish. In Nashville? Yes! How common is that? Not very, according to our weather reports and news clippings. But here are the highlights from the few times it has occurred. 
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This abridged version of Hans Christian Andersen’s classic inspired the popular movie, Frozen – but you won’t find Anna and Elsa here!

Have you ever been listening to a podcast only to find out there are no more episodes left? Have no fear, there might be a book for that new favorite podcast of yours.
Feeling restless just staying indoors? There are SO many free events and activities for you and your child to enjoy here at NPL, and in the community beyond! Here are a few great ways to pass the chilly minutes this month.