So, I have dreadlocks (also known as dreads and locs...I will use these terms interchangeably, throughout). This isn’t fascinating or an interesting characteristic about me because a lot of people have dreadlocks. However, when speaking about Black people’s hair, and the acceptability of said hair, it does become quite interesting.
This is the second time I’ve had dreads, and each time, the question has been raised as to why I would want dreadlocks. According to a good many people, dreads are unkempt, unprofessional, and ghetto. Even though locs are a part of almost every culture in some form or fashion, wearing them instantly “others” the wearer. For Black people, wearing dreads and other natural hairstyles appears to mark us as unabashedly Black. So, in celebration of being Blackity Black Black, here are some of my favorite library books about dreadlocks!