In working on my usual "best of" list for the end of the year, I realized that a lot of my favorite books were cookbooks. Instead of trying to cram these guys in on top of my other favorite books, I decided to give them their own post. Maybe you’ll find a great recipe to wow the fam for the holidays this year.
5. The Apple Lover’s Cookbook (ILL) - For my birthday, my mother-in-law got me a gift card to Barnes and Noble because she knows I love books and shopping. That’s how I found this one. I’m not the biggest fruit lover, but must admit that I enjoy me a good apple – especially in the fall when it’s apple season. This book has facts about different kinds of apples I’ve never even heard of. It also has lots of sweet and savory recipes to try out. This one is a Winner of the IACP Cookbook Award (Best American Cookbook) and a finalist for the Julia Child First Book Award. You will have to use ILL, but it is worth it. Favorite recipe: Apple Risotto.