It's a big year for me and the book Ulysses. We met in college during the spring of my senior year. My semester abroad was still fresh in my mind and my adoration for all things Ireland was particularly on fire. I was excited to read this masterpiece, sure, but I didn't know how much it would change my life.
I loved the characters and the writing. I loved the rush of reading a challenging paragraph and understanding what it meant. I loved being able to picture where Leopold Bloom was in Dublin and knowing that I had been on that same street. I walked away from that semester energized by the possibilities and open to new ideas. I was ready to say yes to life after college.
About a week later I met Dan. He was quick-witted and funny, but also very kind and soft-spoken. We met at work, and while I really enjoyed him as a person, I wanted to be professional. But around Bloomsday, I started thinking, "why am I closed off to this experience? Why not say yes?"
So a few days later, I said yes to a date. And I continued to say yes. I moved to Nashville, I changed jobs, I grew. And when Dan asked me to marry him last year, I said yes once more.
We're getting married on June 20th, the 5th anniversary of our first date. Due to COVID-19, we've pushed back our formal ceremony and reception, but I couldn't let June 20th go.
If you don't feel like getting married to celebrate Bloomsday this year, don't worry! You can always read or listen to Ulysses, or check out the Bloomsday Festival website which has tons of online options for 2020.