I am the last person you would suspect to be an outdoors person. I used to cry at my brother's little league games because it was too hot outside. Mosquitoes and bugs flock to me as if I have a neon sign above my head saying, "Dinner is served!" I have never been camping, and I have to agree with Azreal who says in the classic Kevin Smith film Dogma, "No pleasure, no rapture, no exquisite sin greater...than central air."
But even so, I do love being outside. I love the sun on my back when I take long walks, and I love the sound the wind makes as it shakes the trees. I love the way the earth smells after it rains, and I love getting my hands into the dirt. When I'm working outside, my mind is focused and calm, and while I feel a lot of anxiety at the moment, working in my backyard makes me excited for the spring.
So if you're itching to get your hands dirty, here are some ebooks that will definitely inspire you and help you along!
Happy gardening, my friends!