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Reading the title you may be saying “Nina, are you crazy?” But oh honey, if you only knew. I’m not talking about the season of winter….I’m talking about the highly anticipated eighth and final season of the HBO hit series Game of Thrones. So yes indeed, I AM SO HERE FOR IT!
With the ever capricious and fickle nature of entertainment, I’m sure that like myself, you resist the urge to jump on the bandwagon with any fandom that manages to surface to popularity. But let me assure you, this is one wagon you definitely want to hitch a ride on! Some folks need a little convincing, so keep reading and see if it works.
Now obviously if you’re reading this you’re a literary lover, so fortunately for you, the vivid imagination of George R.R. Martin’s Song of Ice and Fire provided the basis for the television show to be adapted. Also as a side note, Martin is very involved in the production of the show. Of course with any adaptation, it’s not exactly the same as the book, but no pressure if you haven’t read it. This is a No Judgement Zone. I haven’t either and I can attest that you can still follow the storyline. I didn’t start watching the series until it was in its fifth season and I still became completely hooked. So much so that I went back and watched all the previous seasons and caught up right in time for the next season premiere. (Yes, the library owns all seven seasons.)
While I love the show, I will issue a disclaimer. If you are squeamish you may need to stock up on your Pepto and Mentos to settle your stomach because it is rather gory. On the upside though, it is so worth it. Especially when you form your attachment and/or aversion to some of the characters, it makes it that much more gratifying. In the event that these scenes are not for you, there is always the fast forward button on your remote.
Honestly, I could literally write about why I love GOT all day, but that’s too long a blog post. Winter is here and once you check out each season of Game of Thrones, you will be happy too!
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