Stop the presses—here is a book being promoted as an updated version of The Talented Mr. Ripley that actually succeeds. It also reminded me of Suzanne Rindell's The Other Typist and Ottessa Moshfegh's Eileen.
Speaking of Ottessa Moshfegh, her new book My Year of Rest and Relaxation, about a woman who hides from the world with the help of a dubious array of prescription medications, is out next week and is strangely addictive.
Kevin Wilson is best known as the author of The Family Fang, but here he is back in short story mode, and I am calling right now that this is going to be my favorite collection of 2018. Wildfire Johnny, in particular, was amazing. These have a slight nostalgic feel, and a lot of them probe tense family relationships. They reminded me a little of Wells Tower's stories. This comes out August 7, but you can place your hold now.