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Ways to Use


Hundreds of hours of video and audio are available to stream on our Vimeo page. Browse the whole collection, or click on one of our "showcases" of curated collections if you have a specific interest. We frequently add footage to our online collection as we digitize, so come back and visit us regularly.

Stream on Vimeo


If you don't find what you're looking for on Vimeo, you can browse our inventory. The inventory contains thousands of items from our analog collection that have not yet been digitized.

Contact Us to View Inventory


You can download footage from the collection to remix and re-use. Make a documentary, make a music video, or brighten up your academic presentation with archival footage. To download footage, drop us a line and let us know what you would like to use. We will get the ball rolling form there. Please note that AVHC does not provide licensing services.

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Featured Collections

James Kilgore Collection (1920s - 2014)

Nashville resident James Kilgore was a World War II veteran and member of the International Amateur Cinema League. From the 1930s to the early 2000s, Kilgore enthusiastically documented his world with his camera. His collection, donated to Metro Archives, now serves as a document of nearly a century of culture in the U.S. It contains rare color footage of Europe during WWII, landmark public events in the southern United States, home movies, and American landscapes.

The Tom Tichenor Collection

This collection contains recordings of sound effects and music for early puppet theater productions at Nashville Public Library. Most of these productions are related to puppeteer Tom Tichenor. Nashville Public Library continues to produce Tichenor puppet shows to this day, and his collection of puppets is housed at the Nashville Public Library.

Metro Council Meetings Collection (1990 - 2010)

This collection documents the meetings of the Metro Nashville Council on audio and video. It provides a vital insight into the workings of the first Metropolitan government in the United States.

The Sid O’Berry Collection (1960 - 1970)

Sid O’Berry was a camera operator local to Nashville who shot regularly for the mayor’s office. This collection features neighborhoods and public events in and around Nashville from the mid 20th century.

Paul Clements Collection (1960’s - 1970’s)

Paul Clements Nashville Heritage Project is a collection or oral histories from the late 20th century documenting personal viewpoints on the history of Nashville.

The Thomas Mayhew Collection (1962 - 1975)

This collection, mostly on 16mm film, contains footage shot in and around Nashville by Thomas Mayhew. Much of the footage was short for local news. Some footage is related to the development of the metropolitan government.

The Nashville Fire Department Collection (1965 - 1980)

This collection documents fires and fire department training techniques in the Nashville area. The collection is unique and significant for its documentation of equipment and techniques used to manage fire throughout the middle twentieth century. Metro Archives houses artifacts related to the collection, including a fire helmet and 6,000 + still photo negatives.

City Beautification Commission Film Collection (1964 - 1974)

This project documented businesses, historic sites, parks, and government buildings during the 1960s and 1970s. It stands as a historic document of Nashville during a period of intense growth and change.

The Peeko Puppet Collection

This collection contains audio recordings of Peeko Puppet Productions in Chicago, Illinois. Founded by Miss Billie Logan of Milwaukee and Miss Elly Reed of Delavan, the Peeko puppets provided innovative puppet theater in the Chicago area for almost 40 years. The collection is a gift of the Kohler Foundation, and the Nashville Public Library is also home to the Peeko Puppet collection of puppets.